All our products were produced in Korea by the leading factory Waterwork Yujin under the international brand of SOBISUNG.
Waterwork Yujin with more than 40 years of experience is supplying wide range of products with highest quality and attrative designs.
SOBISUNG faucets and sink is the international brand with many certificates and approval such as: Korea Quality Management System, ISO 9001,...Korea Standard Certificate,....
We are delivering satisfaction of users from Korea to Vietnam. Highest quality, attractive designs, quick AS are our priors.
SOBISUNG is always in process of changing and improving the level of life stype. We promise to improve each and every one of our customer life stypes with our phenomenal mechanisms.
SOBISUNG is constantly working on metarializing your dream living atmosphere. We understand your expectations and put ourselves further to satisfy a luxurious, elegant and refined living.
SOBISUNG is a privilege to be serving you!